Course Title :
Drilling Laboratory
Course Title In Turkish :
Sondaj Laboratuvarı
Department :
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Course Code : PET 322
Course Hours : 0+2
Course Credits : 1
Course Type : Required Semester : 6 Prerequisites (If Any) : PET 331 Drilling Engineering I
Course Language : Turkish Instructor : Asst. Prof. Dr. Gürşat Altun
Course Web Page :
Orienting the students to the laboratory and equipment, including demonstrations of equipments, rigging up/rigging down, and care and maintenance instructions. For the purpose of continuity and realism, an offset well has been designed that has experienced some of the most frequently encountered problems. Through the use of offset data and knowledge gained in the lab, the students must make recommendations on the mud program such as mud weight required, drilling precautions, and cost analysis of drilling mud as the drilling progress. The well will then be divided into three sections: surface hole (mud problems associated with unweighted mud, determination of rheological properties and treatment of solids in an unweighted system), intermediate hole (problems associated with contaminants and weighted muds, intrusion of salt, problems associated with shale and sand, lost circulation, and high HTHP), and production hole (problems associated with inhibitive muds and cement design).
The purposes of the course to inform the students
(1) the primary functions of the drilling fluid,
(2) the test procedures used to determine whether the drilling fluid has suitable properties for performing these functions,
(3) the common additives used to obtain the desirable properties under various well conditions,
(4) the main factors governing the selection of drilling fluids,
(5) ecological and environmental considerations,
(6) the basic objective of drilling fluid optimization.
Lab and equipment orientation with care and maintenance. Offset well and associated problems along with observations, experiments, and recommendation and discussions. Drilling optimization; definition, guidelines and assumptions, and optimum drilling program. Drilling fluids; functions, selections, types, planning, and field-tested properties. Diagnostic tests; detection potential problems and identifying their causes. Pilot tests; alternative mud treatment. Clay chemistry; drilling clays, hydration mechanism, physical properties, effect of sodium chloride, polyvalent cations and pH. Drilling fluids additives and chemicals. Water-base muds; low-solids nondispersed muds, dispersed muds, formulation, maintenance, chemical additives, chemical removal of contaminants, filtration control, density control, and solids control. Inhibitive water-base muds; calcium treated muds, lignosulfonate treated muds, high salinity muds, formulation, maintenance, and treatment. Oil muds; formulation, additives, maintenance, and treatment. Cement slurry design. Mud toxicity; ecological and environmental considerations.

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