Course Title :
Simulation of Geosystems
Course Title In Turkish :
Yersistemlerinin Simulasyonu
Department :
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Course Code : Pet 428E
Course Hours : 3+0
Course Credits : 3
Course Type : Elective Semester : 7 or 8 Prerequisites (If Any) : None
Course Language : English Instructor : Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur
Course Web Page:
The course provides the students with basic and applied knowledge in numerical simulation for geosystems (i.e., reservoirs containing hydrocarbons or water). Incentives as well as planning a simulation study, performing history matching and performance prediction by using simulation are given in the course. Basic principles and equations for mass and heat flow in porous/permeable media are introduced. Modeling concepts used in simulation are described.
The main objective of the course is to acquaint the students with background knowledge in numerical simulation that are widely used tool in industry and research for studying complex transport (mass/heat) problems, history matching and forecasting future performance of geosystems. The other objectives are to
(a) develop students ability to apply integrated knowledge of math, basic sciences including geosciences to the solution of problems related to fluid/heat flow and reservoir performance predictions,
(b) provide students with information needed on numerical analysis methods to improve their quantitative capabilities in solving reservoir engineering problems of geosystems;
(c) develop students' ability to write their own computer programs and use available computer software for simulation of geosystems;
(d) Promote teamwork among students with assigning group projects
Simulation in general (incentives for simulation, planning a simulation study). Equations for mass/heat flow in permeable/porous media. Modeling concepts (finite differences, 1D, 2D and 3D mass/heat flow domains). Selecting reservoir-rock and fluid-properties data. Selecting grid block and time steps. Placement of wells in gridblocks. History matching and predicting future performance of geosystems by numerical simulation. Applications of simulation to oil and gas reservoirs as well as geothermal reservoirs.

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